Overview tests

From executives to team players or commercial talent: every job requires certain social skills 

A lot of jobs hinge on the presence of certain social skills. Social skills tests are therefore often a good complement to a personality questionnaire. 
Think about mapping collegiality, stress-resistance, behavioural styles in the workplace, general competences such as problem-solving, autonomy, communication and flexibility. Moreover, you can find out what team role best suits each employee: ideal both for new employees and when coaching the whole department internally. 
Furthermore, you can evaluate managerial competences such as decision-making skills and negotiation. 
Finally, commercial skills are also covered and there are tests to map someone’s safety attitude and driving style.

Personal & social skills 

(15) tests available
21 minutes
NL / FR / EN / IT
mesures principales ≥ 0,7
4 mesures principales
DRIVING maps the driving style of candidates. For companies in the logistics or transport sector, it is crucial to find staff with a safe driving style. The test measures personality traits that, according to scientific research, are conducive to dangerous driving behaviour. In addition, we analysed the results of several thousand drivers who have lost their driving licences, allowing us to develop an index of risky driving behaviour that can be used to estimate this risk.

Candidates must indicate on a scale the extent to which they use a particular driving behaviour (e.g. I never/​sometimes/​often/​always take hitchhikers”.)

DRIVING is used for jobs where employees are often on the road, such as drivers, train drivers, parcel delivery drivers, sales representatives and mechanics or technicians driving from customer to customer.
18 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesure principale ≥ 0,8
1 mesure principale, 3 sous-mesures
The Situational Competence Questionnaire Colleague examines whether a person responds well when his or her team is in trouble.

SCV COLL puts candidates in the role of a team member facing various difficulties. Each question describes a social problem situation in the workplace; several possible responses are suggested. Candidates must always indicate what they think are the two most appropriate responses and the least appropriate response. The test analyses the responses chosen by candidates to find out, for example, whether they get personally involved in problem solving even when this is not required of them.

The SCV COLL is used in positions where team spirit and cooperation with colleagues is very crucial to the job, such as with project staff, secretarial staff and blue-collar workers.
20 minutes
mesure principale ≥ 0,7
8 mesures principales
TEAM ROLE maps which team role suits people best. In a team, everyone has certain preferred roles, such as assistant, captain, communicator or developer. In a good team, these roles are balanced.

In TEAM ROLE, candidates are presented with statements reflecting a wide range of professional drives and behaviours at work. Candidates must indicate on a scale the extent to which that particular aspect of work suits them.

TEAM ROLE is used for staff selection when you want to check whether certain candidates fit into the existing team. The questionnaire can also be used in coaching, e.g. for reorientation within the company or for research into the functioning of the organisation.
15 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesure principale ≥ 0,9
1 mesure principale, 4 sous-mesures
DIAgnosis or SKills provides a ranking of a person’s sales skills. Some people are especially good at opening a sales call, others at sensing the customer’s needs, responding to objections or closing a conversation.

Candidates are read several statements that deal with behaviours that characterise a sales skill. In each case, they have to make a top three of the behaviours they master best.

DIASK is used in positions of (tele)sales and customer service staff. The test can also be used for coaching, as it gives a better insight into those aspects of the sales conversation that candidates can pay even more attention to.
20 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesure principale ≥ 0,7
1 mesure principale, 3 sous-mesures
The COMmercial Aptitude Test gives a better understanding of a person’s commercial skills. In a commercial situation, it is not always easy to find the right attitude. You need to be able to be forceful without becoming too pushy, and you need to be a good listener while still being able to steer certain choices.

COMVA is a situational judgment test: candidates have to empathise with sometimes difficult commercial situations and choose what they think is the most efficient response from multiple-choice options.

COMVA is used for a range of commercial positions: helpdesk staff, (tele)salespeople, customer service staff, counter clerks and cashiers.
18 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE / IT
mesures principales ≥ 0,8
6 mesures principales, 16 sous-mesures
The Basic COMpetencies measures six key general competences: communication, personal discipline, social flexibility, problem-solving, stress management and autonomy.

Candidates must indicate for a set of competencies how strongly they rate these traits in themselves. The competencies put forward by candidates often help to refine their profile and highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

BCOM is a good complement to a classic personality questionnaire, especially for sales positions and positions in the communications sector (PR, marketing) and project staff.
20 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesures principales ≥ 0,8 (version longue)
4 mesures principales, 18 sous-mesures (version longue)
The Behavioural Styles Test measures personality traits that characterise our behaviour at work and examines whether a person’s behavioural style at work is affected by stress.

Candidates are given concrete descriptions of calm or stressful situations and have to indicate via multiple-choice options what they would do. The four main behavioural styles measured are: helping others/​letting others help you, controlling (taking initiative and directing others), enforcing (procedures, norms) and adapting (working pragmatically and being accommodating towards others).

GSST is a good complement to a classic personality questionnaire and is used for white-collar, blue-collar or managerial positions when you want to know how someone would function on the work front in the existing team: is it a very independent person, or a real team player, an innovator or someone who colours nicely within the lines?
21 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE / IT
2 mesures principales ≥ 0,9 et les 2 autres >0,7
4 mesures principales, 9 sous-mesures
COPING maps how candidates respond to stress. Responses to social and task-related stress are assessed, and we zoom in on the ways in which candidates deal with conflict (e.g. conflict avoidance, minimising or seeking compromise).

In COPING, candidates must first respond to a series of rapid visual stimuli; we then analyse how they respond to this potentially stressful task. The second part of the test probed candidates’ reactions to typically unpleasant social situations (e.g. someone passes you at the checkout in the shop”). This allows us to assess social stress resistance and conflict management.

COPING is used for jobs in which stressful situations often occur, such as with healthcare and nursing staff, commercial staff, drivers, functional analysts and help desk staff.
31 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesure principale ≥ 0,7
1 mesure principale, 3 sous-mesures
Which of your candidates is a born leader? The Situational Competence Questionnaire Leader assesses a person’s potential for leadership, and whether the leadership style is more task-oriented or rather socially oriented.

Each question describes a social problem situation in the workplace; several possible responses are suggested. In the role of team leader, candidates should always indicate the two most appropriate responses and the least appropriate response in their opinion.

SCV Leader can be used for both selection and coaching for all (potential) managerial positions, such as director, team leader, department head, head nurse or coordinator.
28 minutes
3 mesures principales ≥ 0,7
4 mesures principales, 2 mesures informatives
Paycons is an in basket’ exercise that assesses candidate managers’ decision-making skills, as well as their focus on tasks, cooperation and customers.

Paycons is a situational judgment test: candidates play the role of a social secretariat employee who has to temporarily replace his manager. They have to process an info file in a short time and choose what they think is the best response to a series of e‑mails and phone calls.

PAYCONS is used for team leaders, coordinators and managers working in an office context.
54 minutes
NL / FR / EN
mesures principales ≥ 0,7
2 mesures principales, 8 mesures informatives
The Fact-finding and Decision Making test evaluates whether a person is decisive in difficult situations at work.

The test is a situational judgment test : candidates play the role of a supervisor on a construction site. After some questions that test their knowledge of the file, they have to make a decision for certain problems, based on available information and common sense. Candidates must therefore demonstrate their ability to quickly master a new work context.

FDM is recommended for positions such as that of foreman, project coordinator, department manager. No prior knowledge of construction is required for the test.
17 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE / IT
mesure principale ≥ 0,8
4 mesures principales, 1 mesure informative
The Conflict Negotiation Style is a questionnaire that provides insight into a person’s behaviour in a negotiation situation.

Candidates are given a series of statements reflecting different types of negotiation styles and must indicate the extent to which they agree with them. These four behavioural styles are covered: trying to avoid conflict, imposing oneself, seeking compromise and problem-solving.

CNS is used in jobs where negotiation or conflict management are common, such as social workers, directors, lawyers and mediators.
23 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesures principales ≥ 0,8
2 mesures principales, 6 sous-mesures
The LeaDerShip questionnaire maps candidates’ leadership style: how action-oriented, results-oriented, social, rational or cautious does someone act? The questionnaire gives you a better understanding of the type of leader you are dealing with.

The LDS questionnaire is used with managers, directors, team leaders or project leaders.
21 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
mesures principales ≥ 0,8
8 mesures principales, 25 sous-mesures
The Leadership Competencies Questionnaire gauges one’s leadership competencies (e.g. Analysing, Persuading, Dealing with stress, Customer focus, Motivating, Managing).

Via a self-assessment, candidates must indicate how they rate themselves for a range of competencies. The competencies put forward by candidates help you refine their profile and highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

The LCQ questionnaire is used for managers, directors, team leaders or project leaders.
14 minutes
NL / FR / EN
main measurement ≥ 0.8
Secur ATT 1 main measurement, 4 sub measurements - Secur ATT_KNL 2 main measurements
The SECURity ATTitude test measures candidates’ attitudes towards security in the workplace. The questionnaire assesses how much importance a person attaches to strict compliance with security regulations.

The questions consist of a statement, behaviour or situation and candidates have to indicate in each case to what extent they agree or how often a certain behaviour occurs, e.g. Do you spontaneously take initiatives around safety at work?’ Would you reprimand a colleague who does not follow the rules?’

The tests are designed for jobs in industry or construction, for both workers and managers.
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